is a proxy shopping platform
- We are not involved in product design, manufacturing, QC and other procedures. We have limited acknowledgement about the brand and product. We are not liable for the product defects.
- If the seller doesn’t deliver the product for whatever reason, we will not refund before the seller does. If the seller eventually doesn’t refund, customers have to bear the loss.
- Please check your country’s requirements for importation. There will be fee for parcel return due to custom reasons.
- Customers have to bear the refund transaction fee.
- We will provide wrapping for fragile items. But still, we are not liable for any damage or loss caused during transportation.
- We will provide tracking code after shipment. The delivery time is only for reference and we are not liable for late parcel.
- The inventory and price on our website is only for reference. We reserve the rights to change before customers’ payments.
- We will try our best to address customers’ questions. But we are not liable for any incorrect or unclear information.
- We may use member’s benefit, card’s benefit, store’s point, or coupons to deduct buying cost. Customers must pay according to our quotation.
- Customers has to pay import tax themselves.